
AI Powered DNS Security

Protect against phishing threats with the implementation of AI-driven DNS filtering, a powerful solution that strengthens network security and enhances cyber resilience.



of all cyber threats can be prevented at the DNS level


of companies struggle with attacks at the DNS level


of phishing attacks can be prevented with DNS protection

Problem #1

Technology Addiction Statistics (2024)

  • Research has found that over 35% of people have an internet addiction.

  • 31% of American adults say that they’re online “almost constantly.”

  • 85% of Americans go online daily.

  • Internet addiction has significantly increased during and since the pandemic.

  • Teens get an average of 8 hours per day of screen time.

“We often set a time after which there is no screen time and in their case that helps them get to sleep at a reasonable hour.”

Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft

Problem #2

Porn Addiction Statistics

  • According to PornHub’s annual year-in-review statement, the United States ranks for porn viewing.

  • Online use: Approximately 69% of American men and 40% of American women view online porn each year.

  • Viewing behavior: Pornhub alone reported more than 2 billion visits in a single month in 2023.

  • 57% of young adults ages 18-25 use porn monthly or more often.

  • 29% of adults ages 25 and above use porn monthly or more often.

  • Research also shows that children who are inappropriately exposed to porn are exposed at a very young age — between ages 9-13 on average.

  • By teen years, most youth have been exposed to internet porn in some form, with 93% of teen boys and 62% of teen girls reporting internet porn exposure in one study.

  • In one study published by the Journal of Behavioral Addictions, Men reported that early exposure to internet pornography affected their frequent use of pornography later in life.

  • In the U.S., most people have access to the internet in some form — and 98% of porn use in 2021 was via online porn, with 69% viewed on cell phones.

“Our kids haven’t used the iPad. We limit how much technology our kids use at home.”

Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple

Problem #3

Most Notable Ransomware Attacks (2024)

  • Toronto Zoo: attackers stole a significant amount of zoo employees’ personal information — dating back to 1989.

  • $3.09 billion attack on UnitedHealth: attackers stole medical data of more than 100 million patients, which is approximately one in three U.S. residents.

  • Panera Bread outage for an entire week: attackers stole the personal data of all Panera employees.

  • Los Angeles County Superior Court shut down by ransomware: all 36 courthouses were offline for weeks

“We don’t have cellphones at the table when we are having a meal, we didn’t give our kids cellphones until they were 14 and they complained other kids got them earlier.”

Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft

Protect your data from online threats

Take your network cybersecurity to the next level with our web filtering solution. We’ll set up and fully manage SafeDNS in your company, organization, school, or home office.

We are based in the South Bay, and for projects requiring on-site visitations, we typically serve customers located in the greater Los Angeles area.